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Payments Solutions

Liquid Eye offers you several way to pay your order. Each of them have specific processes. Check our dedicated page on this matter or consult us for more details.

Payment for your water housing has never been so easy.


  • Very safe


  • Expensive
  • Most of the time will require a visit to your local bank branch to proceed with an international T/T, to be able to select the correct O U R transfer with fees at senders expense.
  • Long lead time (4 to 8 days to get the transfer)

Once we will receive your order generated by our system, we will check it closely and add any necessary shipping costs. We will send you back (usually within 24h, except on week-ends and public holidays) a new invoice with all the charges included.

Our account details:

Bank Name: OCBC NISP

Local Branch Address: jalan raya Kerobokan n°56 Kuta 80361 Bali Indonesia (it is very possible the address that will display on the transfer form does not match with our local branch address. You will probably be directly linked to the headquarters of the bank. Do not worry, it will not change anything, you can still proceed to the transfer)

Account Number: 163800001253

Account holder’s Name: C.V. Kotak Kuning (not liquid eye, the registered name is different)


(For EU customers) If you or your bank teller are familiar with IBAN code we would like to inform you, IBAN code is not used in Asia and if you are asked by your bank teller for an IBAN code, most of the time it will be because your teller is not familiar with the international telegraphic transfers (TT).

The information provided above is all that is necessary to make your transfer.
The Account Holder’s Address (if needed):
C.V. Kotak Kuning
Jalan Gunung Tangkuban Perahu
Banjar Padang Sambiang
Denpasar Barat Bali
Indonesia 80361

And the phone here +62-361-934-6593

Once you have made your payment, be sure to notify us. Provide a screenshot or scan the transfer receipt and email that to us, this will speed up the process of getting your order started. Otherwise we will wait until the transfer deposits before starting your housing.

When you will make the transfer please be sure to transfer the correct amount as quoted on your final invoice.

The total fee is net, exclusive of bank transfer costs or other transfer costs.

The amount showing up on our account should be the amount quoted.

Send USD, AUD or € as quoted in your invoice. Our account accepts multiples currencies. You do not need to convert in another currency.

Please ask your bank teller to proceed with a bank transfer with all charges at sender’s expenses. It is called O U R transfer with “full amount guaranty” (also known by MT103 form code).

Note that this transfer protocol may be called something else by your bank; inquire with your bank’s agent.


  • Very safe
  • Fast transfer (1 to 5 days depending on your chosen option)
  • Transfer can be done in a few clicks from your computer or any mobile device
  • Attractive rates compare to regular bank transfers


  • Requires a Wise account (easy and free to set up)

As for the bank transfer method, once we will receive your order generated by our system, we will check it closely and add any necessary shipping costs. We will usually reply within 24H except on week ends and public holidays.

The Wise procedure is fairly straightforward. If you are not familiar with Wise, just go to the Wise page,

and create an account.

Wise offers to link your credit card to your Wise account, which will significantly speed up the transfer speed. You are free to choose or decline this option.

Once your Wise account is open and validated (Wise may ask a few days before validating your account), all you need to do is click on the green “send money” button at the top left of the page.

1- A new window will open where you will have the choice between 2 options: “International” and “same currency”. Choose “International” only if you are in a country outside USD currency. For USD currency based countries, as you can send USD but we cannot receive USD, contact us for specific process.

2- We will send you the right amount in the proper currency for you to write in the lower field where you can read “recipient will get this exact amount” (Prior to proceed to a Wise transfer, please wait to receive a corrected estimate indicating this addition). Depending on the option you need to choose, the following steps might be a little bit different from one case to another.

3- Choose the type of transfer you want to make (several choices are available). Note this will change the fees and time of transfer.

4- Click on the green button “continue”

5- On the next page “Who are you sending money to ?” Choose the button “someone else”

6- Fill in the email: [email protected]

Tick the “I know their bank details” check if it is requested.

7- Choose the option “SWIFT”

8- You will see a window appear indicating that you must use the SWIFT network and that fees can be charged

9- Full name of the account holder: C.V. Kotak Kuning (please do not write Liquid Eye, the name of the company name is different, your transfer will be rejected at your expense)


11- Account number: 163800001253

13- Name of the bank: Bank OCBC NISP (sometimes this information is not requested)

14- Address :

Country : Indonesia

City : Denpasar

Address : Jalan Gunung Tangkuban Perahu
Banjar Padang Sambiang

Post code : 80361

14- Click on the blue button “confirm”

15- Select the reason : “pay for goods and services”

16- Click on the blue button “continue”

17- You can type in the reference field your order number, this is optional but recommended.

18- Click on the green button “confirm and continue”

You should have completed your Wise transfer


  • Very safe
  • Instant transfer
  • Transfer can be done in a few clicks from your computer or any mobile device


  • Requires a PayPal account (easy and free to set up)
  • Very expensive, we have to charge you a 4,4% extra fee + $15 (or the equivalent is your paying currency)
  • You will not be eligible to buyer/seller protection

Once we will receive your order generated by our system, we will check it closely, add the 4.4%+$15 (or your currency equivalent) and any necessary shipping costs. We will send you back a new invoice with all the included fees.

You can check this YouTube link  where we explain in details the correct process in order for you to do not miss anything. Please watch it closely.

As shown in the video, you will have to send money in the same currency as quoted and you will have to also select the same currency for the recipient.

Then (very important point), you will have to choose the option : “send money to a friend” (Note that option will discard the buyer protection). If you do not see this option while you are trying to transfer the money, please stop the process right here and contact us for further details.

Any mistake on this process will result in extra fee and you will be charged for that as we do not have any power with PayPal and it will block your order and your money without us having any power on it.


  • Almost instant
  • Very safe
  • Hassle free
  • Get CC points for your purchase


  • The provider of the Payment Portal service charge 2.52% on top of your invoice amount.
  • Not available to customers from the USA.

Once we will receive your order generated by our system, we will check it closely and add any necessary shipping costs. We will send you back (usually within 24h, except on week-ends and public holidays) a new invoice with all the charges included.

If your preference is to use a debit or credit card, we will send you a link through a secure 3rd party payment portal (iPaymu). You will be charged an additional 2.6% by the provider of this service but it is incredibly easy and fast to make the payment. If you wish to use this method let us know and we will organise this service for you by sending you a link to the payment portal in an email.