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Philippe Chevodian

Philippe ChevodianPhilippe Chevodian started his journey in photography in the mid 80’s. After completing photography studies at a university in France, Philippe flew to California and then drove down to mainland Mexico on his first major wave search as a photographer. From this initial trip he returned with his first published magazine work and thus began to collaborate with the major surf magazines in France and Europe.

Thanks to his photographic talent and his water photography skills, he rapidly ascended to the position of senior photographer for a French windsurf magazine, a collaboration that lasted for 7 years. During this period most of Philippe’s time was spent traveling the world to remote locales in search of new spots, and wintering on the North Shores of Maui and Oahu, something he continued to do for 18 seasons. Over the years his shooting and traveling experiences have made Philippe a uniquely qualified designer for Liquid Eye waterhousings.

I ordered my first housing in 1985 from the famous Dale Kobetich, it was for a Nikon FE2 with the power booster. It was necessary to modify it to accept different lenses to get the images I was after and it was this modification work that inspired me to begin building my own water housings. As an assignment photographer traveling to remote locations I know how important it is to have reliable, lightweight, compact and multi-functional gear. When I design a housing or an accessory, I always keep in mind my travel experiences as a water shooter, and I integrate that experience into the design of Liquid Eye – the best water housing system available on the market.